
Stress Free Body of the Season

Happy Fall! Check out Judy! At 77 years young & wise, we truly enjoy her beautiful presence and dedication to her practice here at stress free body and happy to honor her as “Our Stress Free Body Of The Season!!” Congratulations to Judy on being our very first honoree you have and continue to be an inspiration to all!!

Get to know Judy

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

I have been retired for 11 years from my job as a pension actuary. My husband and I enjoy our families, our friends, and traveling.

2. What brought you to Yoga/Meditation/Tai Chi?

I initially tried Yoga years ago after reading a book about 2 elderly sisters who did Yoga every day. They lived to be 105 and 106! One of them had a hip replacement and was very soon up and helping the weaker ladies on her hospital ward.

3. What brought you to Stress Free Body?

This year I had been doing Yoga in Las Vegas for 2 months and in Virginia for a month while staying with my sister. Once back in NJ, I saw the sign for two weeks unlimited at a bargain price while walking past and I joined. So glad I did!

4. How Would you say your practice has evolved over time from the beginning to now?

Flexibility was never my strong point. Even as a kid I was not flexible. I have gained strength and flexibility in my practice.

5. Do you feel yoga/meditation/tai chi impacts your life at all off the mat? How?

Yoga definitely affects my life outside the studio. I have energy and strength. I was borderline Osteoporosis and my bone density test was better after doing yoga almost every day!

6. Favorite Stress Free Moment?

Favorite Stress Free moment? Hard to say since there are many. I enjoy Alice and her Reiki practice as well as Marlene’s classes. Jackie’s class is challenging but I think I keep up, while not at the pace she sets! Cat’s classes always begin with her asking how we are feeling – makes us get in touch with our bodies.